LetterSync Doodle

Letter Sync organizes your newsletter subscriptions into an experience where reading, learning, and discovery are effortless for you.

We'll Organize.
You Enjoy.

Its like having a personal assistant for your newsletters.

Letter Sync Mobile


We won't rest until your inbox gets clarity.


We organize your newsletters into modifiable interest tags for you.


We can auto-sync all your newsletters so all you have to do is relax and read.


Easily read your newsletters like a magazine anywhere on the go.

Favorites Coming Soon

Favorite the newsletters you love and we make sure those are the first you see.

Discover Coming Soon

Are you loving a newsletter of a particular interest? Find more within the app.

Lists Coming Soon

Create lists based on tags or ones you want Reader to sync by default.

Clarity, now synced.

Letter Sync email inbox newsletter reader platform allows you to read, manage, and unsubscribe from newsletters via our app.

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